Special education in East- Africa's' rural areas

Sunny Monday greetings from Lushoto, 

We spent the whole last week in Duga about two hours from Tanga, next to Horohoro boarder. It was a highly successful week, we got all local authorities to participate and plan working together in future.  

Anyhow unfortunately my camera with all the pictures is still in Tanga, where our driver is  continuing the new Disability cinema and music teaching this week (we're all multi-talents!)

So whilst waiting to write proper update on that I want to share an excellent article from Dr. Angi Stone-MacDonald concerning special education on rural developmental country settings. She has conducted her research in the same area that we are working.

I personally think it's a very good opening to consider and discuss what should special education look like in rural settings. 

"Davies (1999) characterized evidence-based
practices as practices supported by a research
base. Evidence-based education describes systematic guidelines for research to establish
evidence-based practices (Hargreaves, 1996)." (p. 255) 

As yet we are in a horrible state of even dreaming of getting local researchers another important topic to discuss is how relevant results can European or American researchers get and how much does the language barrier twist the research setting? Can we completely give up of our cultural glasses as researchers? 

This is important to me personally too, also collecting my data from Sub-Saharan African countries for PhD. Moreover it is an essential question to ask, when considering educational development and governance for countries still suffering on all levels of education from the colonialist history.

- Kirsi S.

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